Friday, May 7, 2010

The participants in my interviews reported on the form of media they preferred to use when initiating a date with someone of romantic interest. The responses from both men and women strongly favored texting over any other type of media. The reasons stated for texting being the choice for date initiation were that with texting you can craft your message carefully and control your side of the interaction better than calling. Overall people felt more at ease with texting and less vulnerable when asking someone out, the rejection stings much less when the discussion is occurring via text, and texting was reported as much more casual than calling.

Both men and women also reported that they felt that they could get to know their romantic prospect through texting throughout the day and that the text rallies makes dating more fun and exciting. It has now become the norm to have a text rally with someone of romantic interest very often to make life more interesting and keep boredom at bay, both men and women stated that when they don't have that interaction often, they feel lonelier.

However, even though each participant preferred using text messaging, they all claimed that they felt that calling someone for a date is a much better form of communication and wish that it were "still socially acceptable". Each person reported that calling is a much better method in this case because you can get a sense of how the person actually feels about going out with you by the tone in their voice, which gets lost via texting. Calling was also said to be much more personal and shows that you are very interested in that person. Unfortunately, calling now has a stigma attached, one male stated that "no one calls anymore, calling is too forward." People feel that calling someone to ask them out in today's society makes them seem too eager and over steps boundaries. This is why texting is preferred in courtship, it is a more laid back approach at dating. Every person reported that they can save face through texting; if rejection occurs they can monitor their emotions and reaction.

Both sexes also stated that they now feel less comfortable making a phone call in general now that texting has become so prevalent. Having voice on voice conversations has become ridden with an awkwardness stigma now that texting is our go-to form of communication. Most people also reported having people in their social networks that are so uncomfortable having a phone conversation that they will never pick up the phone when others call, and instead will text them immediately after to ask "what's up?".

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