Friday, May 7, 2010

Anxiousness and insecurity in regards to texting

One of the issues I wanted to address through my research was the levels anxiousness and insecurity level within dating relationships with the growing popularity of technology and if these factors had been altered at all.

Both sexes stated that in terms of insecurity, social networking sites such as Facebook can cause jealousy and insecurity within romantic relationships. Also, when people do not respond right away with text messages it creates insecurity because most everyone expects an immediate answer with texting. People don't take into account that the person could be in the shower or on the treadmill and are unable to respond, we instead are stricken with insecurity that they are choosing to ignore us.

Regarding anxiousness differentiation between texting and calling when waiting for a response, the majority of participants reported that they felt far more anxiousness when waiting for a response to a text message than a phone call. The increase in anxiousness is due to the fact that society as a whole is capable of responding to a text message at any time, even if they are multitasking, but a phone call takes more time and undivided attention.

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