Friday, May 7, 2010

I questioned the interviewees about how they feel technology has changed dating as a whole. Some of the results I found were that technology allows easier access to everyone, which can be both a positive and a negative. It is positive because we are much more connected socially and business wise; at the click of a button we can reach anyone at any time. The down side to this is that it takes away our autonomy in a way, because we are never unreachable and we have become more dependent on constant communication. It has also allowed for less privacy, we have all information about others available at our fingertips with social networking sites. Dating has become less stable due to the insecurity and misinterpretations through texting

I was also curious to find out how people have seen a change in courtship and romanticism with the popularity of text messaging. The response I received was that courtship has become much less personal and much less humane. People can easily end a conversation with little social decency by simply not responding to a text and because the communication is through typing, there are few repercussions for rudeness and there is no sparing of feelings. The respondents stated that they felt that people are much flakier now, you can easily text someone and cancel last minute, where as before when you would have to call and leave a message on their home answering machine. It would be incredibly disrespectful to leave someone hanging at a restaurant waiting for you if you just left a message on their home phone and didn't show up, knowing that they wouldn't get the message until later. However, now they can get that message immediately. Therefore, flakiness is more acceptable and people do not need to be as accountable for their actions.

According to both male and female respondents, late night booty calls are much more acceptable now that text messaging is the main portal of communication. When people are out at the bars they can send or receive a text seeking a booty call at the drop of a hat and it's not seen as intrusive as calling someone in regards to a booty call.
A male respondent describes that with texting in the picture now he can send a mass text message to multiple girls that may be down for a late night hookup and see who responds and take his pick of the girls that are interested. He also stated that he can lie over text and tell a girl that he can't hang out because he's at dinner with his mom and his grandma, but really be on a date with another girl, and no one would ever know the difference.
A female respondent stated that she feels that with texting there is no chivalry or romanticism any longer. "No men bring flowers anymore or get out of the car to walk you to the door anymore." This is because of the laid back nature of courtship in today's society, the formalities of dating are no longer enforced.

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